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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

This Gift Called Me

oleh Vincent Alvin Quarterman

Penerbit - Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Kategori - Agama

This Gift Called Me: Wings for One’s Spirit is a compilation of inspirational pieces that are intended to uplift and enlighten readers with the realization that they are greatly blessed as individuals. It is the author’s firm belief that greatness resides in all of us. By learning to slowly unleash the enormous potential of their spiritual wings, readers can soar to greater heights within themselves by taking a good long look at who God truly created them to be. This insightful guidebook for the spirit was inspired by the daily need for God in our lives. The author believes there is a buried treasure chest hidden within us all consisting of our God-given gifts and talents. The author strongly expresses in this book that by sharing our wealth of supernatural endowments with the waiting world outside, we can and will fulfill God’s intended purpose for our lives.

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