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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

Critical Mass

oleh Tim Balfour

Penerbit - Hornbeam Press

Kategori - Autobiografi & Biografi

"This story is fiction based on a true story of love and intrigue between two lovers in their early twenties, during the summer of 1988. In London, it was the time of acid-house music, squat parties and the last years of Thatcher's rule. There was a climate of global political change and possibility. The protagonists met as young neighbours in Hampstead. Tessa was the daughter of a pioneering, celebrity psychoanalyst to the stars. She and the author unwittingly got entangled in a dangerous journey with her, after the death of her father. Overwhelmed by press attention whilst grieving her tragic loss, the couple accepted an invitation to visit her father's friends overseas. The story ties together 20 years later as the protagonists share a complex closure."

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